Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas Parade "Wave!!"

Today I went to the annual Christmas Parade with Mya, Kolby, and their parents. Akyra and Addy were in the parade with the girl scouts float.  It was a fairly nice day with a bit of a breeze that put a chill in the air.  We had the Explorer to sit in with blankets, but actually ended up standing outside most of the time. The kids got some candy, even a few "good" ones like Reese's, and then someone will hand them another tootsie roll or candy cane...."thank you" they quietly say, then comes a toothbrush! Wow, "thanks!" "I finally got a new one, I have to come to a parade to get a new one!"   this was from Kolby. LOL.

I was so proud of them: here is Mya with her hands over her heart..for the flag..  Then we saw the girls!  Wave!!  and boy did we wave! it was hard to see little Addy, Kyra was waving big!

See Addy peeking through and waving! Hi Addy!

Santa always ends the parade! Hi Santa  (Mya didn't wave at him!!)

Then we had to quickly run because the street sweeper was coming and spraying the left-overs from the horses!!

I started teaching Mya the song
If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hand! (Clap, Clap)

She is stubborn so I will keep you update and let you know how she does. For now I need to go plan Thanksgiving Dinner....ugh.....if I am happy and I know it ....



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