Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Fever!!

I can still remember when my teacher in grade school put in the comments on my report card. "I am afraid Rae Lynn has a touch of spring fever"  OMGosh, that has forever left me wondering just exactly what was I doing that was so bad as to make her write that!! 
But, I do get a BAD case of it yearly since then!!
However a dose of robins singing in the mornings, jonquils blooming at the corner of F and Maple, and Easter candy in the isle at the grocery store, help the fever go away.
I had a wonderful time with Dylann this last week, while she was here for her spring break.  We spent all day Wednesday together.  We got up early and went shopping for some new glasses.  Then to visit GG and ate at China Star.  Her wish at the wishing well was "I wish I could live in Kansas"  That made my heart happy, although I know she would miss her mom and sister, Ciera too much for that.

Dylann Maris Hedger ~ Home for Spring Break

We had our Valentine Party too! We waited till Dyllie was here for that!
Akyra, Addy, Mya and Kolby came after D and I got it all ready.

This was our table~ One advantage to waiting was I got lots of bargins after the holiday!

Kolby and Dylann ~ Spring 2010
Kolby and Dylann ~ Summer ?2008

They grow so fast and change so much. All of the grandkids are changing.  Mya is putting words together and is very independent.  Dylann and Akyra are really reading alot.  Addy can write the letter A very well, (even if it is on the bathroom wall) Ahem.... and Kolby is to darn smart for his own good.
It is the home kids spring break this week.  I sure wish I could spend a day with all of them like I got to Dylann.  I miss my afternoons off like I use to get when I worked for Dr. Saylor. 

After working so many hours and still fighting lots of bills etc, I found this saying and reminded myself that I have to have FAITH that God will get us through this difficult time. I really liked this quote: by unknown

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, It empties today of its strength."

and for my husband who loves Elvis.....

Spring Fever
A little bird, he told me so

                                                            He said come on, get on the go
Open your eyes the sky is full of butterflies
The blossoms on the trees stir up the honey bees

Spring makes my fever right
Spring fever, spring is here at last
Spring fever, my heart’s beating fast
Get up, get out spring is everywhere

Here's to  Spring Fever!!



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