Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Panting Matas and Picking Fowers?

Todays was a day for planting, picking, watering and wingin....yep, Miss Mya K was here with us and she kept Papa and I busy.  She helped papa plant tomatoes but did not like getting her hands dirty.  She loves to pick the daiseys and share them and then take them back.
The weather was delightful.  I am going to try and post a video tomorrow cos I am too pooped tonight

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Mya I took last week with the daisey.

May all of your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun

                                                 May you always have stars in your eyes

                                            May you not stop running not until your race is run

                                                      And may you always have blue skies



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